Jackson Katz to Address Men’s Response to Feminism
Alumnus Jackson Katz, a global leader on issues of masculinities, violence and men’s response to feminism, will speak on “Men and #MeToo: Possibilities and Perils in a Time of Change” on Tuesday, Oct. 2 at 5:30 p.m. in Old Chapel.
Katz, who in 1982 was the first man to graduate from UMass Amherst with a minor in women’s studies, is an author, creator of the award-winning Tough Guise documentary series, and co-founder of the Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) program, which introduced the “bystander” approach to the sexual assault field.
He will share ways men can be proactive in their efforts to support gender equality, as well as was to rise up against sexism on individual and institutional levels.
The program is free, but registration is required here.
The talk is sponsored by the Eleanor Bateman Alumni Scholar in Residence program, which brings accomplished alumni back to campus for lectures, workshops and conversations with students and alumni.