Isenberg Dean's Faculty Fellowships Announced

Michele Burch
Michele Burch

Isenberg Interim Dean Tom Moliterno recently announced Michele Burch, senior lecturer in operations and information management, and Linda Smircich, professor of management, are the first two recipients of the new Isenberg Dean’s Faculty Fellowships.

“This fellowship provides a new and unique way for the dean to recognize one or two faculty members each year who truly exemplify the values that are so important to our institution’s success: commitment to the student experience, dedicated institution building and thought-leadership through research,” Moliterno said. 

The Fellows will receive a cash award and a one-course release.

Burch, who earned her MBA and Ph.D. from Isenberg, is faculty advisor for the Operations and Information Management Club and is part of the department’s curriculum committee.

Smircich has been a member of the Isenberg faculty since 1982, she received the College Teaching Award in 2009, has taught at the MBA level and chaired nine doctoral dissertations. She has served on and chaired numerous committees, as well as a term as chair of the management department.