Institute for Social Science Research to Host Online Summer Methodology Workshop Series

The UMass Amherst Institute for Social Science Research (ISSR) will be presenting a series of online summer methodology workshops throughout June and July. The numerous multi-day workshops will provide registrants with education in various tools and methods used in social science research, under the instruction of faculty members and researchers across the university’s schools and colleges.

ISSR provides resources and support for faculty and student researchers across campus who use social science methods, seek to take part in collaborative and interdisciplinary research, do publicly engaged research or seek external funding for research.

More information about the events listed below, as well as registration links for each, can be found at Any questions regarding the events can be emailed to

June 8-10

Qualitative Research Design and Methods

Instructor: Ezekiel Kimball, associate dean for operations and planning and associate professor of higher education in the College of Education


June 15-16

Introduction to R: Data Management

Instructor: Hsin Fei Tu, methodology consultant at ISSR and a PhD student in sociology


June 15-17

Getting Started with Bayesian Statistics

Instructors: Andrew Cohen, professor of psychological & brain sciences, Justin Gross, associate professor of political science and Jeff Starns, professor of psychological and brain sciences


June 15-19

Photovoice: Visual Elicitation Meets Participatory Action Research

Instructors: Krista Harper, professor of anthropology, and Brittni Howard,PhD student in Anthropology 


June 18-19

Introduction to Python and Web Scraping

Instructor: Hsin Fei Tu, methodology consultant at ISSR and a PhD student in sociology


June 23-25

Causal Inference with Graphical Models

Instructor: David Jensen, professor in the College of Information and Computer Sciences and associate director of the Computational Social Science Institute


June 23-25

Introduction to NVivo 12 for Windows: Uploading, Coding and Analyzing Qualitative Data

Instructor: Eric Griffith, research methods consultant at ISSR and PhD student in anthropology


June 29-July 1

Making Evaluation Work for Social Scientists

Instructors: Kelly Giles, doctoral student in sociology, and Elisa Martinez, PhD candidate in sociology


June 29-July 1

Introduction to Qualtrics

Instructor: Quinnehtukqut McLamore, PhD Student in psychological & brain sciences


July 6-17

Critical Narrative Research and Intervention: Digital Storytelling

Instructors: Aline Gubrium, associate professor of health promotion and policy in the School of Public Health and Health Sciences, and Alice Fiddian-Green, assistant professor of health promotion at Springfield College


July 6-8

Text-as-Data in R

Instructor: Douglas Rice, assistant professor of Political Science


July 6-8

Introduction to Qualitative Interviewing

Instructor: Chrystal A. George Mwangi, assistant professor of higher education in the College of Education


July 13-15

Getting Started with Social Network Analysis

Instructor: Kevin L. Young, associate professor of political science