Hollot Appointed Interim Dean of College of Engineering
Christopher Hollot, professor and head of the department of electrical and computer engineering, has been named interim dean of the College of Engineering.
He is replacing Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering Timothy J. Anderson, who is stepping down as dean and returning to the faculty on Jan. 6.
Hollot previously served as interim dean in 2012-13.
John McCarthy, provost and senior vice chancellor for Academic Affairs, said, “We are fortunate at this time of change to have Kris again step in with his broad experience in research and administration. The college is in good hands.”
Hollot received his B.S. in electrical engineering from West Virginia University, an M.S. in electrical engineering from Syracuse University and a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the University of Rochester.
He joined UMass Amherst in 1984 and served as associate department head from 1994-96 and 2002-06. He has been department head since 2006.
His research interests are in feedback control theory and its applications, with recent work in computer networks and biomedical systems.
Among his honors, Hollot received a National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator Award in 1988 and was elected an IEEE Fellow in 2004.
A search committee co-chaired by Tricia Serio, dean of the College of Natural Sciences, and Michael Malone, vice chancellor for Research and Engagement, will seek Anderson’s replacement. Isaacson Miller has been retained as search consultants.