Graduate Student Awarded Social Science Research Council International Dissertation Research Fellowship
Juliana Morais de Goes, a doctoral candidate in sociology, has been awarded an International Dissertation Research Fellowship from the Social Science Research Council. Only sixty fellowships are awarded annually; fellowship funds support up to twelve months of dissertation research.
Goes will use her award to conduct research in Brazil for her dissertation, “Decolonizing Cities: Afro-Descendant Movements and Territories of Life in Brazil.” Her research investigates how Afro-descendant movements in Brazil have organized urban communities as alternatives to Western modernity. She studies what we can learn from these communities to strengthen the contemporary struggle against capitalist, colonial, and racial violence. Goes is advised by Agustín Lao-Montes, associate professor of sociology.
International Dissertation Research Fellowships are open to doctoral students in the humanities and social sciences; the next deadline will be in Fall 2021. Students interested in applying should contact Heidi Bauer-Clapp at in the Graduate School Office of Professional Development.