Governor’s New Order Requires Face Masks or Cloth Face Coverings on Campus

Wearing is caring infographic

Governor Charlie Baker has issued an order requiring face masks or cloth face coverings in public places where social distancing is not possible. This applies to both indoor and outdoor spaces. The order took effect Wednesday, May 6. The university’s previous announcement on April 7 recommending the use face coverings has been updated to require face coverings in public places to align with the Governor’s order. 

Keeping a distance (at least 6 feet) from other people is the best protection against COVID-19; however, wearing face covering can add another layer of protection. 

Recent studies have indicated that covering your nose and mouth can slow the spread of COVID-19. Face coverings can help protect others by containing respiratory droplets when the face cover wearer coughs, sneezes or speaks. Since individuals can be contagious before the onset of symptoms, it is possible to be contagious and not know it. Covering the nose and mouth, it can limit the spread of COVID-19. Another good reason to use face coverings is that it can help inhibit touching of the face. Touching the face after touching something contaminated with COVID-19 increases the chances of getting sick with COVID-19.

Please refer to the Face Coverings FAQ for further information.