Food Scientist McClements to Speak at SciTech Café

David Julian McClements
David Julian McClements

David Julian McClements, Distinguished Professor of food science, will discuss his soon-to-be-released book, Future Foods: How Modern Science is Transforming the Way We Eat, at the SciTech Café in Northampton. The free event is scheduled for 6 p.m. Monday, March 25 at Union Station, 125 Pleasant St.

A world-renowned expert in food nanotechnology, McClements has used physics, chemistry and biology to improve the quality, safety and healthfulness of foods for more than 30 years. His new book, which is scheduled to go on sale May 24, highlights the many advances in the science of foods and explores their application for solving important problems related to the modern food supply, such as tackling chronic diseases, feeding a global population, reducing food waste and creating healthier and tastier foods. 

The SciTech Café, a Northampton-based science café, invites scientists to present their work and discuss the scientific process in a way that’s accessible to a general audience.