Epidemiology to Host Talk on Prenatal Exposure to Tylenol
The department of biostatistics and epidemiology, part of the School of Public Health and Health Sciences, will host a seminar, “Neurodevelopmental effects of prenatal exposure to acetaminophen; additional assessments of uncontrolled confounding bias and correlated measurement errors.”
The free, public talk will be given by Zeyan Liew, assistant professor of epidemiology in the department of environmental health sciences at the Yale School of Public Health, Friday, Nov. 1 at 10 a.m. in Life Science Laboratories N210.
In the talk, Liew will present findings from cohort studies that investigate the associations between maternal intake of Tylenol during pregnancy and risks for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorders (ADHD) in the offspring using traditional analytical methods. Source of biases that could threaten the validity of these findings will be discussed and followed by an introduction of some novel epidemiological study designs.