Economics Emeritus Professors Samuel Bowles and Herbert Ginitis Named Clarivate Citation Laureates
Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gintis, professors emeritus of economics, have been named Citation Laureates by Clarivate Plc, a global leader in providing trusted information and insights to accelerate the pace of innovation.
Bowles and Gintis, both currently affiliated with the Santa Fe Institute, are among a group of 20 researchers from four countries whose work has been deemed to be ‘of Nobel class’ as demonstrated by analysis carried out by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), part of Clarivate. They were selected by ISI “for providing evidence and models that broaden our understanding of economic behavior to include not only self-interest but also reciprocity, altruism and other forms of social cooperation.”
Each year since 2002, ISI analysts have drawn on Web of Science publication and citation data to identify influential researchers in the research areas recognized by Nobel Prizes: physiology or medicine, physics, chemistry and economics. Out of approximately 55 million articles and proceedings indexed in the Web of Science since 1970, only about 7,600 (.01%) have been cited 2,000 or more times. It is from the authors of this group of papers that Citation Laureates are identified and selected, as they are deemed to be individuals whose research publications are highly cited and whose contributions in their fields have been extremely influential, even transformative.
In early October 2022, the Nobel Assembly will vote to confer science’s highest honor. While this annual rite inspires worldwide speculation, Clarivate is the only organization to use quantitative data in addition to qualitative assessment to provide valuable insights about who might be chosen. To date, 64 Citation Laureates listed in the Hall of Citation Laureates have gone on to receive a Nobel Prize.
“The impact of this year’s Citation Laureates is immense and represents transformational and pioneering research,” said David Pendlebury, head of research analysis at ISI. “It is an honor to recognize and celebrate their work, which Clarivate deems of Nobel class. We expect that some of these research elites will go on to receive a Nobel Prize, demonstrating once again the strong link between their substantial citation records and their influence on peers.”
More information about the methodology of the list and a list of Hall of Citation Laureates can be found on Clarivate’s website.