Drimmer's Book Recognized by Historians of British Art Book Prize Committee

The Art of Allusion cover

The Historians of British Art (HBA) Book Prize Committee have awarded “The Art of Allusion: Illuminators and the Making of English Literature,” by Sonja Drimmer, associate professor of medieval art and architecture, High Commendation for Exemplary Scholarship on the Period before 1600.

This was award was part of HBA’s 2020 Book Awards for publications from 2018. The winners were chosen from a nominating list of seventy books from thirty different presses.

“Drimmer’s book offers a compelling analysis of the new tradition of illuminating English language texts by Geoffrey Chaucer, John Gower, and John Lydgate for royal and gentry audiences. Bridging later medieval manuscript illumination and the very origins of ‘English literature,’ Drimmer’s study charts the development of illustration that responds and contributes to new ideas about literary authorship, political history, and the history of the book in fifteenth-century England,” the HBA Prize Committee wrote of “The Art of Allusion.”