Doctoral Oral Exams for May 28-June 1
The graduate dean invites all graduate faculty to attend the final oral examinations for the doctoral candidates scheduled as follows:
Daniel Chapman, Ph.D., Psychological and Brain Sciences, Tuesday, May 29, 10 a.m., 423 Tobin Hall. Dissertation: “Three Investigations into the Dynamics and Implications of Identify Protective Cognition for Public Responses to Environmental Problems.” Brian Lickel, chr.
Osman Can Icoz, Ph.D., Economics, Tuesday, May 29, 10 a.m., 309 Crotty Hall. Dissertation: “Social Structure of Accumulation in Turkey (1963-2015).” David Kotz, chr.
Diego Leal Castro, Ph.D., Sociology, Wednesday, May 30, 10 a.m., 620 Thompson. Dissertation: “Three Essays on Network Dynamics and Liminality.” James Kitts. Chr.
Huiyuan Guo, Ph.D., Plant Biology, Wednesday, May 30, 2 p.m., 202 Paige Laboratory. Dissertation: Silver Nanoparticles in Environmental and Biological Systems: Source, Transformation, and Detection.” Baoshan Xing, chr.
James Forest, Ph.D., Isenberg School of Management, Thursday, May 31, 10 a.m., Old Chapel Conference Room. Dissertation: “Essays in Financial Economics: Announcement Effects in Fixed Income Markets.” Hossein Kazemi, chr.