Doctoral Oral Exams for March 9–13
The Graduate Dean invites all graduate faculty to attend the final oral examinations for the doctoral candidates scheduled as follows:
Erik Reinbergs, Ph.D., College of Education, Monday, March 9, 10 a.m., S155 Furcolo Hall. Dissertation: “The Development and Initial Validation of the Suicide Prevention Attitudes Rating Scale.” Sara Whitcomb, chr.
Renee Affolter, Ph.D., College of Education, Monday, March 9, 11 a.m., S115 Furcolo Hall. Dissertation: “Building
Capacity for Academically Productive Talk: The Development of Teacher Leaders in Science Professional Development.” Martina Nieswandt, chr.
Ayse Asli Eksi, Ph.D., Isenberg School of Management, Monday, March 9, 1 p.m., N220 Isenberg School of Management. Dissertation: “Essays on Investor Preferences Revealed by Mutual Fund Flows.” Nikunj Kapadia and Nikolaos Artavanis, co-chrs.
Young Sun Kim, Ph.D., Isenberg School of Management, Monday, March 9, 2 p.m., N330 Isenberg School of Management. Dissertation: “Isn’t it Only for Me? Unearned Preferential Treatment and Loyalty Program Customer Responses: A Perspective of Psychological Contract Violation.” Melissa Baker, chr.
Gregory Blackburn, Ph.D., Communication, Tuesday, March 10, 9 a.m., N340 Integrative Learning Center. Dissertation: “Military-Themed Video Games and the Cultivation of Related Beliefs and Attitudes in Young Adult Males.” Erica Scharrer, chr.
Jessica Kemp, Ph.D., College of Education, Tuesday, March 10, 12:30 p.m., S125 Furcolo Room. Dissertation: “Using Consultation with Performance Feedback to Align Classroom Management Strategies with a Social Emotional Learning Curriculum in Early Childhood.” Sara Whitcomb, chr.
Constance Angelou, Ph.D., Molecular and Cellular Biology, Wednesday, March 11, 9 a.m., 222 Morrill II. Dissertation: “Defining the Let-7 MicroRNA-Mediated Molecular Mechanisms Regulating T Cell Differentiation.” Leonid Pobezinsky, chr.
Qi Lu, Ph.D., Polymer Science and Engineering, Wednesday, March 11:00, 9 a.m., A110/A111 Conte Polymer Science Building. Dissertation: “Nano- and Micro-Structured Temperature-Sensitive Hydrogels for Rapidly Responsive Devices.” Ryan Hayward, chr.
Stephanie Purington, Ph.D., College of Education, Wednesday, March 11, 3 p.m., 120 Montague House. Dissertation: “Examining the Specialized Math Content Knowledge of Elementary Teachers in the Age of the Common Core.” Darrell Ernest, chr.
Kimberly Pfeifer, Ph.D., College of Education, Thursday, March 12, 11 a.m., S125 Furcolo Hall. Dissertation: “If You’re Not Disrupting It, Then Who Is?” Understanding the Effects of Participating in Anti-Sexim Workshops on Preservice Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices.” Sally Campbell Galman, chr.
Colleen Gargan, Ph.D., Communication Disorders, Thursday, March 12, 1:15 p.m., 221 Arnold House. Dissertation: “Acoustic and Perceptual Characteristics of Speech, Voice, and Prosody in Autism Spectrum Disorder: The Impact of Language, Speech Motor Control, and Auditory Processing.” Mary Andrianopoulos, chr.
Shuo Sui, Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, Thursday, March 12, 3 p.m., N410 Life Science Laboratories. Dissertation: “Microfluidic Platforms for Advanced Crystallography.” Sarah L Perry, chr.
Catherine Sanchez, Ph.D., College of Education, Friday, March 13, 8:30 a.m., N113 Furcolo Hall. Dissertation: “Expanding Access to Elite Institutions through Community College Transfer: An Intrinsic Case Study of Bucknell University’s Community College Transfer Initiatives.” Ryan Wells, chr.
Mary Clayton-Jones, Ph.D., College of Nursing, Friday, March 13, 9:30 a.m., 101 Skinner Hall. Dissertation: “Nurse-Delivered Shoe-Lacing Intervention: Effect on Comfort and Toe Pressures for Active Community-Dwelling Adults (Age 65+).” Rachel Walker, chr.
Rebecca Petitti, Ph.D., English, Friday, March 13, 9:30 a.m., E501 South College. Dissertation: “From Page to Program: A Study of Stakeholders in Multimodal First-Year Composition Curriculum and Program Design.” Rebecca Dingo, chr.
Nina M. Tissi-Gassoway, Ph.D., College of Education, Friday, March 13, 10:30 a.m., 101 Furcolo. Dissertation: “Making Meaning in the Margins: Identities, Belonging, and Social Justice Commitments in a Cross-Race Intergroup Dialogue for Queer and Trans College Students.” Ezekiel Kimball and Ximena Zúñiga, co-chrs