Doctoral Oral Exams for March 5-9
The graduate dean invites all graduate faculty to attend the final oral examinations for the doctoral candidates scheduled as follows:
Christina Chisholm, Ph.D., Molecular and Cellular Biology, Monday, March 5, 10 a.m., S330/S340 Life Sciences Laboratory. Dissertation: “Enhancing Nanopore Based Biosensing Technology Using Pore Forming Proteins.” Min Chen, chr.
Elzbieta Sobocinski Manos, Ph.D., College of Education, Monday, March 5, 10 a.m., S167 Furcolo Hall. Dissertation: “Technology Integration and Use in Elementary Mathematics Methods Courses for Pre-Service Teachers.” Kathleen S. Davis, chr.
Ayse D. Yakut, Ph.D., College of Education, Monday, March 5, 11 a.m., S125 Furcolo Hall. Dissertation: “Examining Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy and Their Decisions in Regard to Referral and Placement.” Alexandra Lauterbach, chr.
Mary M. Coakley, Ed.D., College of Education, Monday, March 5, 2 p.m., 120 Montague House. Dissertation: “Using Strategic Discourse for Building Understanding in Elementary Mathematics: What do Teachers and Students Think?” Kathleen Davis, chr.
Jana M. Rosewarne, Ph.D., Psychological and Brain Sciences, Wednesday, March 7, 10 a.m., 521-A Tobin Hall. Dissertation: “Regulating Relationship Needs via Joint Consumption: An Attachment Perspective.” Paula Pietromonaco, chr.
Kayla Gordon, Ph.D., College of Education, Thursday, March 8, 11 a.m., N113 Furcolo Hall. Dissertation: “High School Students’ Perceptions of School Climate in Relation to Discipline History and Discipline Approach.” Sarah Fefer, chr.
David Vacchi, Ph.D., College of Education, Thursday, March 8, 1:00 p.m., M120 Montague House. Dissertation: “Understanding Progress Toward Degree Completion for Student Veterans in the Post 9-11 Era: A Focused Life History Narrative.” Gretchen Rossman, chr.
Kyungyeon Koh, Ph.D., Isenberg School of Management, Friday, March 9, 9 a.m., 128 Isenberg School of Management. Dissertation: “Essays on the Asset Pricing Anomalies.” Sanjay Nawalkha and Mila Sherman, co-chrs.
Sonji Johnson-Anderson, Ph.D., College of Education, Friday, March 9, 11 a.m., W7 Furcolo Hall. Dissertation: “Mother Ethnography: A Performance of Possibility.” Kysa Nygreen, chr.
Sabrina V. Durand, Ph.D., College of Education, Friday, March 9, 12:30 p.m., S125 Furcolo Hall. Dissertation: “Beyond Access: Sense of Belonging of Black/African American Women Writing to Complete the Ph.D.” Gretchen B. Rossman, chr.
Jane Ann Buxton, Ph.D., Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning, Friday, March 9, 2 p.m., 312 Design Building. Dissertation: “Exploring Attitudes Towards Green Infrastructure Strategies for More Livable and Sustainable Urban Communities.” Robert L. Ryan,chr.