Doctoral Oral Exams for June 14 – June 18
The Graduate Dean invites all graduate faculty to attend the final oral examinations for the doctoral candidates scheduled as follows:
Amro El-Adle, Ph.D., Isenberg School of Management, Monday, June 14, 10:00 a.m. Dissertation: “Analytics-Based Optimization for the Integration of Drones into Last-Mile Logistics.” Ahmed Ghoniem, chr.
Graham Gibson, Ph.D., School of Public Health and Health Sciences, Tuesday, June 15, 11:00 a.m. Dissertation: “Applied Infectious Disease Forecasting for Public Health.” Nick Reich, chr.
Eric Sippert, Ph.D., Political Science, Tuesday, June 15, 3:00 p.m. Dissertation: “Platforms and Power: Transnational Guatemala.” Sonia Alvarez, chr.
Dale Abbott, Ph.D., Physics, Wednesday, June 16, 8:00 a.m. Dissertation: “Search for Resonant Pair Production of Higgs Bosons in the Four b-quark Final State with the ATLAS Detector.” Stephane Willocq, chr.
Keping Bi, Ph.D., College of Information and Computer Sciences, Wednesday, June 16, 10:00 a.m. Dissertation: “Neural Approaches to Feedback in Information Retrieval.” W. Bruce Croft, chr.
Nathan Kuhlmann, Ph.D., Molecular and Cellular Biology, Friday, June 18, 3:00 p.m. Dissertation: “Mechanistic Insights into Diverse Protease Adaptor Functions.” Pete Chien, chr.