
Doctoral Oral Exams Jan. 10–14

The Graduate Dean invites all graduate faculty to attend the final oral examinations for the doctoral candidates scheduled as follows:

Guy Rosin, Ph.D., Physics, Wednesday Jan. 12, 2 p.m., via Zoom. Dissertation: “Measurement of the Fiducial Cross Section for the Vector Boson Fusion Production of the Higgs Boson in the H-WW* lvlv Decay Channel with the Atlas Detector.” Carlo Dallapiccola, chr.

Vanessa Miranda-Juarez, Ph.D., Anthropology, Thursday, Jan. 13, noon, via Zoom. Dissertation: “Nahuatl Discourses and Political Speeches as Ways to Negotiate the Racial Monolingual Ideology of the Mexican State in Hidalgo, Mexico.” Emiliana Cruz, chr.

Anna Ruth Halberstadt, Ph.D., Geosciences, Friday, Jan. 14, noon, Morrill Building 3 Room 225. Dissertation: “Antarctic Ice Sheet Stability During Warm Periods: Integrating Numerical Modeling with Geologic Data.” Robert DeConto, chr.

Minjung Lee, Ph.D., Polymer Science, Friday, Jan. 14, noon, via Zoom. Dissertation: “Tuning Complexation of Polymerized Ionic Liquids via Solvent Environment, Counterion Injection, and Nanostructured Interfaces.” Ryan Hayward, chr.