
Doctoral Oral Exams for February 28–March 4

The graduate dean invites all graduate faculty to attend the final oral examinations for the doctoral candidates scheduled as follows:

Dario Hernan Vasquez Padilla, Ph.D., Sociology, Wednesday, March 2, 9 a.m. via Zoom. Dissertation: “Unmasking the Racial Projects of the Colombian Multicultural Racial State.” Enobong Hanna Branch and Agustin Lao-Montes, co-chrs.

Haiyan Luo, Ph.D., Food Science, Wednesday, March 2, 11 a.m. via Zoom. Dissertation: Food Nanoemulsions Enhance Bioavailability of Lipophilic Nutraceuticals.” Hang Xiao, chr.

Vanesa Giraldo Gartner, Ph.D., Anthropology, Thursday, March 3, 3 p.m. via Zoom. Dissertation: “Beyond Revolutionaries, Victims, and Heroic Mothers, Reproductive Politics in War and Peace in Colombia.” Thomas Leatherman, chr.

Evan Taylor, Ph.D., Anthropology, Friday, March 4, 11:30 a.m. via Zoom. Dissertation: “Making the Old City: Life Projects and State Heritage in Rhodes and Acre.” Elizabeth Chilton, chr.

Leslie Leonard, Ph.D., English, Friday, March 4, noon, South College E501. Dissertation: “The Blessings of Responsibility: Duty and Community in Nineteenth-Century America.” Nicholas Bromell, chr.