Doctoral Oral Exams for Dec. 17 - 21

The graduate dean invites all graduate faculty to attend the final oral examinations for the doctoral candidates scheduled as follows:

Xiaorong Liu, Ph.D., Chemistry, Monday, Dec. 17, 10 a.m., N610 Life Sciences Laboratories. Dissertation: “Multiscale Simulations of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins.” Jianhan Chen, chr.

Kristopher J. Winiarski, Ph.D., Environmental Conservation, Monday, Dec. 17, 10 a.m., 312A Holdsworth. Dissertation: “Evaluation of the Adaptive Capacity of Mole Salamanders (Ambystomatidae) to a Changing Climate in Western Massachusetts.” Kevin McGarigal and Curtice Griffin, co-chrs.

Aaron Joseph Schein, Ph.D., College of Information and Computer Sciences, Monday, Dec. 17, 12 p.m., 203 Computer Science Building. Dissertation: “Allocative Poisson Factorization for Computational Social Science.” Hanna Wallach, chr.

Ezekiel Abdullahi Babagario, Ph.D., College of Education, Wednesday, Dec. 19, 1 p.m., 120 Montague House. Dissertation: “Interfaith Education and the Quest for Peacebuilding in Northern Nigeria.” David R. Evans, chr.

Shinji Kawamitsu, Ph.D., College of Education, Wednesday, Dec. 19, 3 p.m., N113 Furcolo. Dissertation: “Language Learners as Agentive Meaning-Makers: Exploring Learners’ Investment and Meaning-Making.” Theresa Austin, chr.

Hayley Webster, Ph.D., Philosophy, Thursday, Dec. 20, 10 a.m., E301 South College. Dissertation: “Self-Knowledge, Choice-Blindness, and Confabulation.” Hilary Korblith, chr.

Julia Puffal, Ph.D., Microbiology, Friday, Dec. 21, 10 a.m., 112 Skinner. Dissertation: “The Spatial Organization of Mycobacterial Membrane.” Yasu Morita, chr.