Doctoral Oral Exams for Aug. 29 – Sept. 2
The Graduate Dean invites all graduate faculty to attend the final oral examinations for the doctoral candidates scheduled as follows:
Mahsa Farid Mohajer, Ph.D., Environmental Conservation, Monday, Aug. 29, noon, Design Building Room 314. Dissertation: “Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Building Energy Modeling (BEM): Assessment for BIM-BEM Workflows and Energy Simulation Tools.” Ajla Aksamija, chr.
Douglas Hall, Ph.D., Polymer Science, Monday, Aug. 29, 1 p.m. Conte Polymer Research Building A110/A111. Dissertation: “Self-Limiting Morphologies in Geometrically Frustrated Assemblies.” Greg Grason, chr.
John Wamburu, Ph.D., Computer Science, Monday, Aug. 29, 1 p.m. via Zoom. Dissertation: “Data-driven Modeling and Analytics for Greening the Energy Ecosystem.” Prashant Shenoy, chr.
Mariam Rashad, Ph.D., College of Education, Monday, Aug. 29, 2 p.m. via Zoom. Dissertation: “Unsettling Resettlement: African Refugees in the U.S. and the Paradoxes of Economic Self-Sufficiency.” Korina M. Jocson, chr.
Ahmed Gameel Meselhy Ali, Ph.D., Plant Biology, Tuesday, Aug. 30, 10 a.m. Paige Laboratory 202. Dissertation: “Role of Plasma Membrane Intrinsic Proteins (PIPS) Subfamily and Sulfur Nanoparticle Interactions in Metalloids Transport and Tolerance/Sensitivity in Rice.” Om Parkash Dhankher, chr.
Danni Wang, Ph.D., School of Management, Tuesday, Aug. 30, 11 a.m. ISOM 219. Dissertation: “Understanding Employees; Perceptions and Collaboration Behavior Intentions Toward Service Robots in the Hospitality Context.” Albert Assaf, chr.
Jyoti Iyer, Ph.D., Linguistics, Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2:30 p.m. via Zoom. Dissertation: “Counterdirectionality in the Grammar: Reversals and Restitutions.” Rajesh Bhatt, chr.
Song Luo, Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, Thursday, Sept. 1, 2 p.m. via Zoom. Dissertation: “Synthesis of Zeolites with Controllable Defects by Understanding the Role of Charge Balance in Zeolite Crystallization.” Wei Fan, chr.