Dixon-Gordon Selected for the Judy E. Hall Early Career Psychologist Award
The National Register of Health Service Psychologists has presented the 2018 Judy E. Hall Early Career Psychologist Award to Katherine L. Dixon-Gordon, assistant professor of psychological and brain sciences.
The award recognizes excellence in a National Register credentialed psychologist with less than 10 years of postdoctoral experience. The associated $2,500 stipend supports a project that advances the mission, vision and values of the National Register.
Dixon-Gordon was selected for the Hall award based on both her exceptional achievements as an early career psychologist and her plan to use the $2,500 stipend to better understand the gap between patients who need care and those who receive it by focusing on care provision for patients with psychological and substance use disorders in emergency departments.
Potential barriers to receiving care and referrals will also be examined.
Dixon-Gordon said, “Our field has a great deal of knowledge and technology to enhance the health and well-being of individuals and communities. Yet, there remains a gap between those individuals who need psychological care and those who receive it. Given that emergency department patients often face obstacles to accessing the psychological care that they need, I am especially grateful to have the support of this award to explore how substance use and psychological diagnoses affect care provision in emergency department settings. The disproportionate reliance on emergency medicine among disadvantaged communities makes this work particularly important, and I am appreciative of the National Register for their support.”
Dixon-Gordon’s research primarily focuses on the role of emotional processes in the development and maintenance of psychopathology, with an emphasis on borderline personality disorder. She employs laboratory-based methods to analyze the influence of emotional processes on other domains, such as interpersonal functioning.
Her work has been published in several publications including Behavior Therapy and the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.