DEFA LIVE with Visiting Scholar Stephan Ehrig on April 28
The DEFA Film Library will welcome Stephan Ehrig, University College Dublin, for the first chat, “Building Imaginaries: DEFA and East German Architecture,” on their new Instagram series, DEFA LIVE, on Thursday, April 28 at 2 p.m.
Interviewing him on the Instagram account @defafilmlibraryamherst will be Savannah Champion, a graduate student in the German and Scandinavian Studies Program (GSS) and the DEFA Film Library’s social media assistant.
Ehrig will also visit the UMass Amherst campus from April 25 to 30. While in Amherst, he will also give a talk for undergraduates about East Germany’s legacy in today’s Europe and a professional development workshop for GSS graduate students.
As an Irish Research Council postdoctoral research fellow at University College Dublin, Ehrig is currently working on “Socialist Space and Modernism in East German Literature and Visual Culture.” In Fall 2022, he will become a permanent lecturer in German at the University of Glasgow, Scotland.