Dean Krauthamer to Serve on Special Commission Tasked with Leading the Commonwealth’s Celebration of the 250th American Revolution
Barbara Krauthamer, dean of the College of Humanities and Fine Arts and professor of history at UMass Amherst, was recently appointed by Gov. Charlie Baker to serve on the Massachusetts special commission to investigate and study the promotion and celebration of the 250th anniversary of the American Revolution. She was chosen for the appointment after being nominated by the University of Massachusetts President’s Office.
The commission is comprised of legislators, indigenous leaders, leaders of cultural and historical institutions and organizations, representatives from the National Park Service, and two scholars with expertise in the area of colonial history, revolutionary era history or American civics. An expert in 18th and 19th century African American history, Krauthamer will bring an important perspective to the commission that will consider the contributions of African Americans, Black Patriots and Loyalists, and enslaved people to the American Revolution. Krauthamer is currently working on a book about enslaved people in the era of the American Revolution.
“I look forward to working with my fellow members of this special commission to identify ways that will ensure relevant, meaningful, and inclusive recognition across Massachusetts,” says Krauthamer.
Over the next few months, the commission will develop a comprehensive plan for promoting and celebrating the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the American Revolution; identify opportunities for individuals and communities across the commonwealth to participate in celebrations of the anniversary and recognize the particular history of their geographical areas; investigate and promote under-represented voices in the American Revolution including, but not limited to, women, native peoples, and persons of color; and submit a report to the governor, the state house of representatives, and the state senate. The report will contain an overview of the commonwealth’s particular role in the American Revolution and notable battles, events, and figures of the era and may be published for distribution to the public.