COVID-19 Testing Update from the PHPC

The Public Health Promotion Center (PHPC) is closely monitoring COVID-19 test results. Trends and the positivity rate at UMass Amherst remain encouraging.

The positivity rate for last week (April 5-11) was 0.22%, making it the fifth consecutive week of having a positivity rate under 0.26%. Comparatively, the state’s current seven-day positivity rate is 2.39%. 

Jeff Hescock and Ann Becker, co-directors of the PHPC, said, “As the spring semester nears conclusion, it is imperative that everyone continue to remain diligent in following public health protocols. The community is enjoying access to the Recreation Center, dining in-person and attending selected events on campus. Your commitment to doing your part through social distancing, wearing masks and limiting the size of gatherings will allow the campus finish the semester strong.” 

For ongoing updates and details on the university’s COVID-19 response, including FAQs on operational postures, please visit