COVID-19 Daily Self Checklist for On-Site Employees
In an ongoing effort to protect on-site employees, employees are being asked to review a COVID-19 Daily Self Checklist before reporting to campus. In an email to the campus community, Jeff Hescock, executive director of environmental health and safety and emergency management, elaborated on the details of that check list and where to find it.
That email is as follows:
Dear Campus Community,
Daily monitoring of one’s health and well-being prior to coming to work can aid in early detection of infectious disease and is an effective measure to prevent community spread of COVID-19. In our ongoing effort to protect on-site employees, we have established a new practice: All employees should review a COVID-19 Daily Self Checklist before reporting to campus.
The checklist has eight questions, and if you answer YES to any of the questions, you MUST STAY HOME, notify your supervisor and call or email the COVID-19 HR Response Team. In addition, if you start feeling sick during your shift you should notify your supervisor and the COVID-19 HR Response Team, and GO HOME. In either circumstance, YOU WILL BE PAID.
Checklists can be downloaded here, and copies will also available at your workplace. Checklists are available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese and Nepalese.
It is important to note that this is not a change in procedure. The university continues to emphasize that all employees who are feeling ill, whether it is related to coronavirus or not, should stay home for their well-being and the well-being of their colleagues.
We are deeply grateful to our staff, faculty and students for all that you’re doing to keep UMass and our community strong during this unprecedented time. We express special thanks to our on-site personnel who are sustaining a variety of key operations.
Jeff Hescock
Executive Director of Environmental Health and Safety and Emergency Management