Communications Professional Heidi Berenson to Provide Interview Training Session for Students April 4
Emmy Award-winner & UMass alumna Heidi Berenson will conduct “Major League Pitching: How to Score in Any Interview,” a free 90-minute training session for students interested in honing their interview skills Thursday, April 4 at 4 p.m. in the ILC Communication Hub.
All are welcome to the highly-interactive session, and the event is highly recommended for seniors and graduate students from the journalism and communication departments and the Commonwealth Honors College. Berenson says that in the current era of Twitter, TED and television, it is vital for students to learn to pitch themselves in pithy and powerful new ways, and that her seminar – sponsored by the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences – will teach the tips and techniques to instantly improve messaging and delivery that can be used in job and internship interviews.