The Chemical Engineering Class of 2023 outside of the Mullins Center
University News

Commencement 2023: Scenes from Around Campus

In addition to the combined Undergraduate and Graduate Commencement Ceremony at McGuirk Alumni Stadium on May 26, UMass Amherst recognized its graduating seniors for 2023 with a number of celebrations across campus throughout the month of May.

Here are a few photos and social media posts highlighting just some of the many events held to honor the Class of 2023!









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Additionally, 2023 marked the 25th annual Rainbow Graduation at UMass Amherst, a celebration of graduating LGBTQIA+ and allied students. The event, held on the Bromery Center for the Arts Plaza on Thursday, May 18, featured keynote speaker Shaplaie Brooks, executive director of the Massachusetts Commission on LGBTQ Youth. Chancellor Kumble Subbaswamy gave opening remarks and Genny Beemyn of the Stonewall Center presented LGBTQIA+ Leadership Awards to a graduating student who contributed significantly to one or more LGBTQIA+ student groups, to a non-graduating student who is making a difference in the LGBTQIA+ community and to a faculty or staff member who goes above and beyond in their service and support of the UMass LGBTQIA+ community.