College of Education Hosting Virtual Panel ‘Resisting Surveillance Pedagogies and Resources for Meaningful Assessment’
The College of Education is hosting a virtual panel discussion, “Resisting Surveillance Pedagogies and Resources for Meaningful Assessment,” on Tuesday, Aug. 11.
As more teaching has moved online in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic across higher education, educators are increasingly relying on surveillance technologies to proctor tests and exams. Join a panel of faculty members and educators to reflect critically about online teaching and assessment, for the fall semester and beyond.
Panelist/facilitators from the College of Education include doctoral student in international education Sahara Pradhan; associate dean for academic affairs and associate professor Jennifer Randall; assistant professor of math, science and learning technologies Enrique Suarez; and associate director for digital learning Fred Zinn.
Tuesday, Aug. 11, 3-4:30 p.m.
Register online to get the Zoom link and password.