CNS Outstanding Achievement Awards Honor Inclusion and Excellence

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Dean Tricia Serio of the College of Natural Sciences (CNS) recently announced this year’s recipients of the college’s Outstanding Achievement Awards, which recognize faculty, staff and students who have made important contributions to their discipline, department, college and university. 

Recipients are chosen by committees within the college and chosen by committees chaired by designees appointed by Dean Serio. 

Diversity and Inclusion 

  • Student – BRIDGE is a student-led initiative at UMass Amherst to highlight scholars from a variety of backgrounds with exceptional broader impacts.
  • Faculty –Paige Warren, professor, environmental conservation 
  • Staff –Megan West, director of administration and outreach, biochemistry and molecular biology 


  • Lara Al-Hariri, senior lecturer, chemistry 
  • Randall Phillis, associate professor, biology 


  • Lila Gierasch, distinguished professor, biochemistry and molecular biology 
  • Li-Jun Ma, associate professor, biochemistry and molecular biology 


  • Janice Telfer, professor, veterinary and animal sciences 


  • Sarah Berquist, lecturer, Stockbridge School of Agriculture 


  • Anne Gaddy, manager of research support services, CNS 
  • Lisa Groth, clerk, polymer science and engineering 
  • Walter Pollard, machine shop foreman/model maker, physics 

In previous years, recipients have been presented with their awards and a $1,000 honorarium at a special ceremony during the spring semester. The date for this year’s celebration has been postponed and will be announced later during the fall semester.