CNS Outstanding Achievement Awards Honor Inclusion, Excellence

College of Natural Sciences Dean Tricia Serio has announced this year’s recipients of the Outstanding Achievement Awards for the college. The awards recognize faculty, staff and students who have made important contributions to their discipline, department, college and university. 

The 2019 honorees are:

  • Excellence in Diversity and Inclusion:
  • Nilanjana Buju Dasgupta, professor, psychological and brain sciences; CNS Director of Faculty Equity and Inclusion
  • Laura Lanier, PhD student, polymer science and engineering
  • Ana Pamela Torres Ocampo, PhD student, molecular and cell biology

Outstanding Teaching:

  • Erik Cheries, lecturer, psychological and brain sciences
  • Krista Gile, associate professor, mathematics and statistics

Outstanding Staff:

  • Vicki Hubby, business manager, chemistry
  • Laura Looman, financial manager, veterinary and animal sciences
  • Cole Tucker, technical assistant, biochemistry and molecular biology
  • Elizabeth Wiernasz, registrar, Stockbridge School of Agriculture

Outstanding Advising:

  • Tony Dinsmore, professor, physics

Outstanding Service and Engagement:

  • Peter Schloerb, professor, astronomy

Outstanding Research:

  • Luke Remage-Healy, associate professor, psychological and brain sciences, early career award
  • Richard Vachet, professor and department head, chemistry

Serio said, “I extend my congratulations and my gratitude to these members of our CNS community. Their tremendous work continues to foster student achievement, demonstrate excellence and build a more inclusive environment. They are wonderful role models for us all.”

The awards will be presented at a May 14 reception in front of friends, family, colleagues and students.