Chandler to Present Resilience Research at Upcoming Conferences

Ginny Chandler
Ginny Chandler

Ginny Chandler, professor of nursing, will share her work on resilience as the featured speaker at several upcoming conferences.

  • American Psychiatric Nurses Association Conference, Oct. 1 through 5, New Orleans, Louisiana, with Kris Lambert. Chandler will present “Building Nursing Student Resilience: Changing Minds, Changing Lives, An Innovative Program to Build Resilience in College-Aged Students in the Increasingly Challenging Collegiate Environment.”
  • Integrating Academic and Co-Curricular Resilience Programs on Your Campus, Dec. 12 through 13, Washington D.C., with Jim Helling. Attendees will include directors of counseling centers, health and wellness educators, faculty, academic leaders, student affairs leaders and athletic directors.
  • APPLE Training Institute, Jan. 17 through 19, Charlottesville, Virgina and Jan. 24 through 26 Southern California, with Jim Helling. The APPLE Training Institute, sponsored by the NCAA Sport Science Institute and the University of Virginia Gordie Center, offers national training institutes for student-athletes, athletics administrators and campus partners on the topics of substance abuse prevention and health promotion of college athletes. 

Chandler's presentations will focus on the Changing Minds, Changing Lives (CMCL) resilience program, which she has offered on campus since 2017, funded by an NCAA grant and Public Service Community Endowment Grant with Springfield Central High School. CMCL is a strengths-based course that includes mindfulness training, yoga postures, research presentations and a reflective writing practice. CMCL has been found to be an effective psychosocial wellness promotion intervention for student-athletes in the transition to college and beyond, and has been adopted by the NCAA for dissemination to its member schools.