Chancellor Subbaswamy Named Chair of National Work Force Policy Group

Chancellor Kumble Subbaswamy
Chancellor Kumble Subbaswamy

Chancellor Kumble Subbaswamy has been appointed chair of the Board on Higher Education and Work Force (BHEW) of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine for a three-year term. The board consists of 16 higher education leaders and faculty members.

BHEW provides policymakers, business executives and academic leaders with insights and recommendations on critical higher education, science and engineering workforce issues facing the country. The organization’s mission to ensure a strong science and engineering workforce to help the U.S. remain a global leader in innovation and economically competitive. The board’s expertise also contributes to the country’s goals for energy, the environment, health care, national security and the economy. Among its goals is enhancing the education and career of doctoral scientists and engineers, connecting higher education with the labor market and improved participation of underrepresented groups in science and engineering.

Academy members are among the world’s most distinguished scientists, engineers, physicians, and researchers; more than 300 members are Nobel laureates. Members are elected in recognition of outstanding achievements, and membership is considered a high honor.

Some of the projects the organization is currently working on now include K-12 teacher workforce changes over the next 10 to 20 years, effective STEM mentoring of undergraduate and graduate students, and the equity gap in STEM and workforce readiness in U.S. minority-serving institutions.