Chancellor Subbaswamy Appointed to AIM Board of Directors

 Kumble R. Subbaswamy
Kumble R. Subbaswamy

Chancellor Kumble R. Subbaswamy has been named to the board of directors of the Associated Industries of Massachusetts (AIM), a leading employer association, serving a variety of employers through public-policy advocacy, resources and community.

Subbaswamy, along with 12 other new appointees, represent a wide range of business leaders.

“We are delighted to welcome such an impressive group of CEOs, entrepreneurs, and business leaders to the AIM board of directors,” outgoing AIM President and CEO Rick Lord said. “These new board members are accomplished, committed, and full of creative energy that will keep AIM moving into the future.”

Founded in 1915, AIM engages in public policy advocacy for more than 3,500 Massachusetts employers who collectively employ one of every five residents of the commonwealth. AIM is dedicated to supporting pro-business legislation and policy on the full range of economic issues including the cost of health care and energy, compliance with employment laws, state and federal budget, taxes, financial issues, and workforce development.