
Central Campus Core Utility Wayfinding/Logistics for Feb. 5-17

Map of campus construction and walkways

The fence lines in the core of campus continue to be relocated to accommodate construction work locations. The site plan diagram features an updated logistics plan for the construction activities along the access road to the east side of the Lincoln Campus Center. This work began Wednesday, Feb. 5 and is expected to be completed by Monday, Feb. 17. The east entrance to the Lincoln Campus Center will not be affected by the temporary service road closure. Pedestrians will be diverted to the Hasbrouck Service Road and the stairs/ramps that lead to the Integrative Learning Center and Lincoln Campus Center. The southeast exit from the garage will remain closed until Monday, Feb. 17.

Questions and comments about this project should be directed to the design and construction management capital project manager, C. Kim Jaworski-Bruschi at (413) 345-8020 or ckjbruschi@umass.edu.