The Center for Teaching and Learning to Host February Talks
The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) will be hosting two Zoom events this month; “The Pedagogy of Podcasts” on Tuesday, Feb. 15 and “What inclusive Teachers Do,” on Monday, Feb. 28.
Tuesday, Feb. 15, 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Zoom link will be provided upon registration.
Podcasts – like other multimedia products – are increasingly being used as assignments in college courses, offering students the opportunity to learn an influential communication format, work collaboratively and creatively, and hone their writing and technical production skills.
Monday, Feb. 28, 10 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.
Zoom link will be provided upon registration.
Learn from your colleagues how they teach their diverse students inclusively, equitably, and using a strength-based approach. Join TIDE Ambassadors Sancha Medwinter (sociology), Lisa Modenos (UWW), Lisa Lehmberg (music) and Annie Raymond (math and statsistics) and Kirsten Helmer (CTL) for this 75-minute lightning talk session.