Call for Applications: 2021-22 TIDE Ambassadors Faculty Fellowship

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The Center for Teaching and Learning is now accepting applications for the 2021-22 TIDE Ambassadors (Teaching for Inclusiveness, Diversity, & Equity) Faculty Fellowship. TIDE Ambassadors explore how they can enhance students’ learning and academic success across cultural, social, and learning differences by adopting a strength-based, inclusive, and equitable approach to teaching and learning grounded in the value of diversity.

The fellowship is open to non-tenure track (with the exception of short-term hires) and tenured/tenure-track and faculty. Faculty at all stages of experience who demonstrate high interest in developing capacity for teaching diverse students in inclusive and equitable ways are encouraged to apply.

TIDE Ambassadors will attend an intensive introductory institute in May 2021, which will be held either in person or virtually depending on the pandemic situation as well as regular monthly cohort meetings and other events throughout the academic year. Fellows are expected to develop a final ambassador project through which the they will share aspects of their learnings at the departmental, school/college or campus-wide level. In recognition of the commitment necessary to participate in TIDE, the CTL will provide $1,500 in funds that ambassadors can use for their further professional development.

The deadline for applications is Monday, Jan. 25, 2021. To apply, email the to TIDE Program Director Kristen Helmer.