Book Launch Party to be Held for Stellan Vinthagen's Newest Book

Stellan Vinthagen
Stellan Vinthagen

Stellan Vinthagen, Endowed Chair in Nonviolent Direct Action and Civil Resistance and professor of sociology, has released a new book “Conceptualizing ‘Everyday Resistance’: A Transdisciplinary Approach,” co-authored with Anna Johanssen.

A launch party for the book will be held at Amherst Books on Monday, Dec. 9 from 7 to 8:30 p.m., where Vinthagen will give a brief talk and leave time for discussion.

“Conceptualizing ‘Everyday Resistance’” presents an analytical framework and theoretical tools to understand the entanglements of everyday power and resistance. Johansson and Vinthagen argue that everyday resistance is best understood by accounting for different repertoires of tactics, relations between actors and struggles around constructions of time and space. Through a critical dialogue with the work of James C. Scott, Michel de Certeau and Asef Bayat, they aim to reconstruct the field of resistance studies, expanding what counts as resistance and building systematic analysis.