Board of Trustees Approves Distinguished and Named Professorships, Awards Tenure
Marla Miller, history; Sonia Alvarez, political science; and Daniela Calzetti, astronomy; were appointed Distinguished Professors following approval by the Board of Trustees at its Thursday, June 10 meeting.
The title Distinguished Professor is conferred on select, highly accomplished faculty who have already achieved the rank of professor and who meet a demanding set of qualifications.
Elizabeth Krause, anthropology, was appointed to the Terrence Murray Commonwealth Honors College Professorship at the same meeting.
Karl R. Rethemeyer was appointed as professor with tenure in the department of public policy and administration and Bruce Tyler was appointed as associate professor with tenure in the department of sport management.
Additionally, 25 faculty members were awarded tenure following the board's approval. Those faculty members are:
- Felicity Aulino, anthropology
- Jeremiah Wayne Bentley, accounting
- Nathan W. Chan, resource economics
- Adam Dahl, political science
- Elizabeth B Delia, Sport management
- Justin C. Domke, computer science
- Kimberley Heard Geissler, health promotion and policy
- Colin J. Gleason, civil and environ engineering
- Keisha L. Green, teacher education and curriculum studies
- Jamie-Rose Guarrine, music and dance
- Emily D. Heaphy, management
- Sophie P. Horowitz, philosophy
- Jonathan Ferris Hulting-Cohen, music and dance
- Sara E. Jackson, languages, literature and cultures
- Jungwoo Lee, chemical engineering
- Yao Li, Mathematics and statistics
- Joshua P. Michal, music and dance
- Mark S. Miller, kinesiology
- Scott L. Monroe, educational policy, research and administration
- Joonkoo Park, psychological and brain sciences
- Kalpana Poudel Tandukar, College of Nursing
- Margaret M. Stratton, biochemistry/molecular biology
- Romain Vasseur, physics
- Garrett Washington, history
- Mariana Z. Ivanova, languages, literature and cultures