Board of Certified Safety Professionals Names Donald Robinson to Board

Donald Robinson
Donald Robinson

The Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP) has named Donald Robinson, adjunct professor in environmental health sciences as a board member in 2020. 

Robinson also consults in safety and health management and engineering practices for both industry and higher education. He previously served as executive director of environmental health and safety at the UMass Amherst for over four decades having management and compliance responsibility for programs associated with emergency management, fire safety, laboratory safety and disability services, among other things.

Robinson also received the Campus Safety, Health and Environmental Management Association (CHEMA) Honorary Life Award having served in many capacities with CHEMA including President. He is a member of Tau Beta Pi National Engineering Honorary Society. He holds a bachelor of science degree in mechanical engineering and a Ph.D. in industrial engineering and operations research from UMass Amherst and a master of science in engineering management from Northeastern University.

The Board of Certified Safety Professionals, headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana, is a not-for-profit corporation recognized as a leader in high-quality, accredited credentialing for safety, health, and environmental practitioners. BCSP establishes standards and certifies competency criteria in professional safety practice.