Bertone-Johnson Edits Book on Biological and Cultural Aspects of Menstruation

“Cursed? Biologic and Cultural Aspects of the Menstrual Cycle and Menstruation”

Elizabeth Bertone-Johnson, professor of epidemiology, is the editor of a new book titled “Cursed? Biologic and Cultural Aspects of the Menstrual Cycle and Menstruation.” This collection of essays and original research articles offers a comprehensive perspective of the importance of the menstrual cycle in women's lives.

Historically a taboo subject, the menstrual cycle has had a profound impact on women's lives throughout history. “Cursed? Biologic and Cultural Aspects of the Menstrual Cycle and Menstruation” explores in detail how menstruation and the menstrual cycle affect the lives of girls and women around the world. In addition to presenting current research on biologic and health issues surrounding menstruation and menstrual cycle function, the authors discuss how menstruation directly impacts culture, art, feminism and gender politics, education and global development.

“This project originated from a seminar I taught in fall 2016 at Commonwealth Honors College.” says Bertone-Johnson. “It includes essays from undergraduate CHC students in that course, original research and review articles by my graduate students in epidemiology, and an overview of my decade of research on premenstrual syndrome.”

She says, “I couldn’t be more proud of this text. It represents a great deal of hard work by a talented group of scholars. Our goals for this book are to promote research to better understand the complexities of the menstrual cycle, and to normalize the experience of menstruation for women and men alike. Overall, we aim to help to improve quality of life both physically and psychologically, for girls and women during their menstrual years.”

All editor proceeds from the sale of this text will be donated to Girls Inc. of Holyoke in support of their mission to promote girls’ reproductive health and wellness. The book is available online through Nova Science Publishers and most major book retailers.