Baoshan Xing Presents Plenary Speech at First International Conference on Biochar Research and Application
Baoshan Xing, professor of environmental and soil chemistry in the Stockbridge School of Agriculture, gave a plenary speech Saturday, Sept. 21 at the First International Conference on Biochar Research and Application in Shenyang, China, which was attended by 650 scientists from all over the world.
Among the world's most highly cited researchers, Xing discussed “the role of biochars in sustainable crop production and soil resiliency to changing climate.”
The inaugural conference “aimed to provide a platform for domestic and international scholars to exchange ideas and discuss the recent developments in biochar.” As a leader in the field, Xing was invited to give a plenary speech to share his insights.
Xing’s research in environmental and soil chemistry focuses on protecting the environment through maintaining or improving soil and water quality. Some of his latest published research includes discovering, with colleagues, a new process to completely degrade flame retardant in the environment. This work broke new ground in the efforts to develop safe and effective processes to remediate groundwater and soil contaminated with tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA).