Author, Former Federal Judge Michael Ponsor to Address Retired Faculty

Michael Ponsor
Michael Ponsor

Retired U.S. District Court Judge and best-selling author Michael A. Ponsor will speak on “Depicting Justice through Fiction: A Judge’s Perspective” at the Retired Faculty Association meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 12 at 11 a.m. in 917 Campus Center. All are welcome.

Ponsor served as a federal judge in Springfield from 1994-2014. His New York Times best-selling “The Hanging Judge” was published in 2013 and “The One-Eyed Judge” in 2017.

A graduate of Harvard College and Yale Law School, Ponsor was a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford University from 1969-71. He was adjunct professor at Yale Law School, Western New England School of Law and UMass Amherst.

He co-edited and wrote two chapters in the handbook “Civil Litigation in the First Circuit” and wrote articles in the Federal Sentencing Reporter, the American Bar Association Journal, and the Western New England Law Review. He received the Legal Writing Institute’s “Golden Pen” award for the high quality of his legal writing. 

The Retired Faculty Association meeting begins at 10 a.m. with coffee, tea, juice and cookies.