Arora Authors Article on Corporate Sustainability Executives and Shareholder Value

Priyank Arora
Priyank Arora

Priyank Arora, assistant professor of operations and information management in the Isenberg School of Management, is the lead author on an article recently published in the “Journal of Operations Management.”

The article, “When do appointments of corporate sustainability executives affect shareholder value?,” was first published online in December, with a hardcopy volume to follow.

In it, Arora and his coauthors present their findings using event study methodology, followed by regression analyses and support the strategy of appointing sustainability executives to top management teams. They say that although announcements of such appointments do not affect shareholder value overall, there are nuances in the stock market reactions to appointments depending on various firm-and industry-specific factors.

“Journal of Operations Management” is a peer-reviewed journal and ranked at the top of journals for publishing empirical and data-driven research within the field of operations research and management science.