ADVANCE Collaborative Research Seed Grant Proposals Accepted Through September 17
The UMass ADVANCE Program is accepting proposals through Tuesday, Sept. 17 for seed grants to foster the development of innovative and equitable collaborative research projects among UMass Amherst faculty. Grant proposals should be submitted to Proposal requirements and instructions can be found at
UMass ADVANCE is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), which is advancing women faculty, including women faculty of color, in science and engineering. Through the power of collaboration, UMass ADVANCE aims to transform the campus by cultivating faculty equity, inclusion and success. The ADVANCE program provides resources and tools to foster recognition and relationship building that are critical to equitable collaboration in the 21st century academy.
All tenure-track, full-time faculty and full-time lecturers who are on continuing appointments with research as part of their job duties are welcome to apply. Proposals from faculty members in NSF-supported fields are especially encouraged. Collaborative teams will receive logistical support from the ADVANCE team and will be supported in applying for external funding opportunities based on the seed funded project.
Awards will be announced in mid-October. Start dates for the grants can be proposed between Nov. 1 and June 30 with a grant duration of three to 12 months. The next call for new proposals will go out in the spring of 2020.
Grantees will be awarded a one-year grant in the range of $10,000-$15,000.
Eric Griffith should be contacted with questions at