Personnel Support
This page contains quick access to university and college policies, procedures, and resources.
- UMass Academic Personnel Workflow System: contains modules for electronic processing of reappointment, promotion, and tenure (RPT) applications for faculty, Annual Faculty Report (AFR), Tenure track faculty hiring requisition process, and sabbaticals, etc.
- UMass Personnel Information: Information regarding the Annual Faculty Report, Merit process, Tenure and Promotion, Sabbatical, and Retirement Options.
- Policies and Union contracts: Information on Additional Compensation, Anomaly policy, Periodic Multi-Year Review (PMYR), the Academic Personnel Policy (Red Book), and the Massachusetts Society of Professors (MSP) contract.
- UMass Policy on Faculty Consulting and Outside Activities: facilitates appropriately limited outside activities for faculty.
- Outside activity approval form
- Office of Provost Faculty Resources: includes links to forms, policies, reports, faculty development.
- Work-life Balance Reports and Benefits: links to UMass-specific reports and benefits documents for faculty.
- Faculty Equity & Inclusion Information: a range of resources, from hiring and tenure and promotion guidelines to peer mentoring opportunities that reflect the college's commitment to Equity and Inclusion.
- CNS Tenure & Promotion Workshops: informational sessions are held throughout the year.
- Lecturer Promotion Process workshop provides lecturers with an overview of the workload expectations and resources regarding advising and teaching.
- Preparing for Tenure workshop provides pre-tenure faculty with concrete tenure-related information possible, including the basics of tenure, perspectives from a department chair, a CNS personnel committee member, and advice from peers.
- From Associate to Full workshop provides information about the pathway for promotion from Associate to Full Professor.
- For more information, contact kwhelanberry [at] umass [dot] edu (Karen Whelan-Berry).
- Work-life information and benefits for faculty: a summary of useful information for faculty members.
- The CNS Women’s Caucus is an autonomous faculty organization that works with other college and campus groups to develop strategies that enable the advancement of women and minorities in science and mathematics.
- Professional Staff administration handbook
- Non-unit Employees administration handbook
CNS Personnel Contacts
The Dean's Office Personnel staff, located in 105 Stockbridge Hall are available to provide guidance and answers to your questions and concerns. Please note: All HR actions need to be initiated at the department level. Your department HR team can assist you with processing requests.
- gqdias [at] umass [dot] edu (Gabriella Dias): Human Resources Assistant, 101 Stockbridge Hall, (413) 545-4780
- %20agivens [at] umass [dot] edu (Angela Givens): Human Resources Clerk IV, 101 Stockbridge Hall, (413) 545-4058
- %20dryer [at] umass [dot] edu (Devin Ryer): Human Resources Clerk IV, 101 Stockbridge Hall
- lwiles [at] cns [dot] umass [dot] edu (Laura Wiles): Human Resources Specialist, 101 Stockbridge Hall, (413) 545-2025