UMass Extension Debuts Pollinator Steward Certificate Program
The Pollinator Steward Certificate Program is a 10-hour course comprised of 30 lectures featuring 14 instructors.
‘Care Talk’ Examines CNS and SPHHS’s Battle Against Food Insecurity in Springfield, MA
This initiative is implementing a “produce prescription” program, in which people with variable food security are given access to fruits and vegetables.
Stockbridge School of Agriculture Team Advances Plant-based Mineral Mining
Om Parkash Dhankher studies how plants can be used to absorb toxic elements from the soil, cleaning it through a technique called phytoremediation.
EGCS Scientists Provide Context for York, Maine Earthquake
Tremors of the earthquake were felt as far away as western Massachusetts.
Nilanjana ‘Buju’ Dasgupta Discusses New Book with Media
Dasgupta argues that small changes to the local cultures around us are far more effective in producing structural change locally than other means.
Alissa Nolden Examines Perceptions of Low- and No-calorie Sweeteners
While it might be expected that natural sweeteners would be perceived as safer than artificial ones, that presumed trend was not observed in the study.
Matthew Moore Gives 'Omnivore' Podcast Advice on Securing Funding
When it comes to learning the ropes on successful research funding, Moore suggested leveraging existing relationships with mentors.
Michael Rawlins Discusses Los Angeles Fires and Climate Change with 'Boston Globe'
Rawlins argues that, "in the absence of aggressive measures to rein in our reliance on fossil fuels, it's going to continue to get warmer."
PhD Candidate Aliza Fassler Explores the Captivating (and Sometimes Ticklish) World of Bees
Aliza Fassler is a PhD candidate in the Department of Environmental Conservation and a Greenfield, MA native.
Hang Xiao and Team Receive Grant to Develop New Chickpea and Pea Tempeh
This research focuses on fermenting dry chickpeas and dry peas to create a new type of tempeh, traditionally made with soybeans.