Undergraduate Research
CNS Opportunities
- Biochemistry and molecular biology
- Biology and life sciences
- Chemistry
- Mathematics and statistics
- Microbiology
- Psychology
- Renewable energy
- Veterinary and animal sciences
- William Lee Science Impact Program (Lee SIP): Lee SIP Scholars are mentored directly by research faculty, work within a research team, and participate in professional development workshops.
For information about specific Research Opportunities for Undergraduates (REUs), please contact departments and schools individually.
UMass Amherst Resources
- Internships and coops
- UMass Office of Undergraduate Research and Studies
- The Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) program seeks to increase enrollment, retention, graduation, and participation in research of undergraduate students from underrepresented groups seeking degrees in the STEM disciplines. The program provides funding to help support student research projects under the mentorship of STEM faculty.