powerful resources for imaging model organisms, tissue, cells, and biomaterials

A1R25: Nikon Ti2 stand with A1HD(1024) Resonant Scanning Confocal
This microscope is very versatile and can be used for live or fixed samples. The resonant scanner allows for very fast acquisitions and the GaAsP detectors are extremely sensitive. It has a larger field of view than older microscopes, resulting in faster imaging of large and small samples alike. This system also has JOBS, GA3, and NIS.ai.
- Objectives: 4x, 20x, 60x
- Colors: Blue, Green, Red, Far-Red,
- Lasers: 405, 488, 561, 640nm
- Detector: GaAsP PMTs
- Automated imaging enabled? Yes
- Fixed and “thick” samples? Yes
- Live cell work? Yes
- Slide scanning? Yes

A1R-SIMe: Nikon TiE stand with A1 Resonant Scanning Confocal and N-SIM Structured Illumination Super-Resolution
This microscope is very versatile and can be used for live or fixed samples. The resonant scanner allows for very fast acquisitions and the GaAsP detectors are extremely sensitive. The SIM side of the microscope is extremely easy to use with no special sample preparation required for super-resolution imaging. This system also has JOBS.
- Objectives: 10x, 20x, 40x, 60x, 100x
- Colors: Blue(A1R), Cyan(A1R), Green, Yellow (A1R), Red, Far-Red, Lasers: 405, 445, 488, 514, 561, 640nm
- Detector: sCMOS and GaAsP PMTs
- Automated imaging enabled? Yes
- Fixed and “thick” samples? Yes
- Slide scanning? Yes

A1SP-FLIM: Nikon TiE stand with A1 Spectral Detector Confocal and FLIM/FCS Module
This microscope is great for fixed samples and is especially useful when experimenters may have overlapping emissions from fluorophores or autofluorescence or want to investigate FLIM or FCS measurements. Researchers can perform exquisite measurements of materials as well as live cells. This system also has JOBS and Nikon FLIM module.
- Objectives: 10x, 20x, 40x, 60x, 100x
- Colors: Blue, Green, Red, Far-Red
- Lasers: 405(both), 445(FLIM), 488(both), 561(both), 640nm(A1
- Detector: GaAsP PMTs and hybrid TCSPC detectors (2)
- Automated imaging enabled? Yes
- Fixed and “thick” samples? Yes
- Live cell work? If need be for FLIM/FCS

A1R-TIRF: Nikon TiE stand with A1HD(1024) Resonant Scanning Confocal and TIRF Module
A1R-TIRF: Nikon TiE stand with A1HD(1024) Resonant Scanning Confocal and TIRF Module
This microscope is highly versatile and can be used for live or fixed samples. The resonant scanner allows for very fast acquisitions and the GaAsP detectors are extremely sensitive. This microscope has 6 lasers and the full gamut of objectives and software modules which can also be used in TIRF mode. This system also has JOBS.
- Objectives: 10x, 20x, 40x, 60x, 100x
- Colors: Blue, Cyan, Green, Yellow, Red, Far-Red
- Lasers: 405, 445, 488, 514, 561, 640nm
- Detector: sCMOS camera and GaAsP PMTs
- Fixed and “thick” samples? Yes
- Slide scanning? Yes

A1RMP: Nikon FN1 stand with A1HD(1024) Resonant Scanning Multi-Photon Confocal
This microscope is an upright, manual microscope that is suited for in vivo, intravital imaging as well as imaging in and through thick tissues and samples. It uses a tunable infrared pulsed laser to excite fluorophores at the focal volume and features a resonance scanner that can image very quickly along with a fast moving piezo nosepiece. We also have visible lasers for standard upright confocal microscopy. This system also has JOBS.
- Objectives: 10x, 20x, 25x. 40x
- Colors: Blue, Green, Red, Far-Red(using visible lines)
- Lasers: 405, 488, 561, 640, and 760-1040nm pulsed laser
- Detector: IR CCD and GaAsP PMTs NDD and descanned
- Automated imaging enabled? Yes
- Fixed and “thick” samples? Yes
- Live cell/tissue/organism work? Yes

CrestV2 with 2xTIRF: Nikon Ti2 stand with spinning disk confocal and 2 camera TIRF system
This microscope is great for live cells as it is a low-light technique. With six laser lines we can easily image dynamic movements in live cells, stimulating/bleaching in real time. Two camera TIRF system allows simultaneous 2 color imaging. This system also has JOBS and GA3.
- Objectives: 20x, 100x
- Colors: Blue, Cyan(Crest), Green, Yellow(Crest), Red, Far-Red
- Lasers: 405, 445, 488, 514. 561, 640nm
- Detector: sCMOS (x3)
- Automated imaging enabled? Yes
- Fixed samples? Yes
- Live cell work? Yes
- Slide scanning? Yes

Spinning disk (SD): Nikon TiE stand with Yokogawa Spinning Disk Confocal and FRAP/PA unit for perturbations
This microscope is great for live cells as it is a low-light technique. With four laser lines and an additional mini-scanner for PA/FRAP/etc., we can easily image dynamic movements in live cells, stimulating/bleaching in real time.
- Objectives: 20x, 40x water immersion, 40x oil immersion, 60x, 100x
- Colors: Blue, Green, Red, Far-Red, [Near Infra-Red]
- Lasers: 405, 488, 561, 640nm
- Detector: EMCCD (Princeton Instruments)
- Automated imaging enabled? Yes
- Fixed samples? Yes
- Live cell work? Yes

SMZ-18: Nikon stereoscope
This microscope is great for large samples such as plants, insects, and other macro-scaled items.
- Objectives: 0.5x and 1.6x
- Colors: Green, Red
- Excitation: 488, 561nm
- Detector: color CCD
- Fixed and “thick” samples? Yes

HCA: Nikon TiE with High Content software and robotic hardware
This microscope is truly amazing for its ability to collect and automatically analyze data from live or fixed samples. The intuitive and adaptive software can be programmed to count cells, monitor growth, take high-resolution pictures when a certain feature is found, scan slides, scan multi-well plates, etc. A robot can even load your multi-well plates. When it is done, you can have the microscope send you a text message that contains any key variables that you need to know right away. This system also has JOBS.
- Objectives: 4x, 10x, 20x, 40x, 60x
- Colors: Blue, Cyan, Green, Yellow, Red, Far-Red
- LEDs: 405, 445, 488, 514, 561, 640nm
- Detector: sCMOS camera
- Automated imaging enabled? Yes
- Fixed samples? Yes
- Live cell work? Yes
- Slide scanning? Yes

N-STORM: Nikon TiE stand with N-STORM/TIRF
This microscope makes doing 3D STORM imaging straightforward. This includes a cylindrical lens to provide z-information on your molecules of interest. This also has the option to change not only the TIRF angle with the click of a button, but also the direction of the laser entering the back aperture of the objective.
- Objectives: 20x, 60x. 100x
- Colors: Blue, Green, Red, Far-Red
- Lasers: 405, 488, 561, 640nm
- Detector: sCMOS camera
- Automated imaging enabled? Yes
- Fixed samples? Yes
- Live cell work? Yes

LCMD: Nikon TiE stand with Arcturus Laser Capture Micro-Dissection
This microscope is really a cellular robot. You can find cells or regions using brightfield or fluorescence that you are interested on tissue slices and draw a line around them, cut them out, move them to a cap and then process the cap for downstream experiments (sequencing, proteomics, etc.).
- Objectives: 4x, 10x, 40x
- Colors: Blue, Green, Red, Far-Red
- Lasers: UV (cut), IR (remove)
- Detectors: Color camera

Keyence BZ-X800
This microscope is simple to use. Intuitive interface, fully motorized. Great microscope fo infrequent users or novices or when you just need some basic data on a few samples.
- Objectives: 4x, 10x, 20x
- Colors: Blue, Green, Red, Far-Red
- Excitation: 405, 488, 561, 640nm
- Detector: Color camera
- Automated imaging enabled? Yes
- Fixed samples? Yes
- Live cell work? Maybe
- Slide scanning? Yes

Ephys: Nikon TiE with patch clamp electrophysiology rig including Axopatch 200B and micromanipulators
This microscope is can record minuscule currents and voltages in cells and devices using patch clamp circuitry.
- Objectives: 10x, 20x
- Colors: NA
- Lasers: NA
- Detector: Axopatch 200B
Additional Resources
Analysis Workstations
- • 6 PC workstations (WS0-5) with NIS-Elements and other analysis/computational software available via remote access
- Tokai Hit on-stage incubator with CO2 , heat, and humidity
- Oko Lab on-stage incubator with CO2 , heat, and humidity
- Ibidi on-stage heater
- 4 full size incubators available for use (one has O2 control)
S576A Life Science Laboratories
University of Massachusetts Amherst
240 Thatcher Road
Amherst, MA 01003