Sample Prep
- 2 DAKO auto-immunostainers
- conventional robotic histology system
- Leica autostainer
- Leica autoprocessor
- Leica CM3050 cryostat
HistoSpring works with surgeons and pathologists at Baystate Medical Center to acquire tissues needed for research. This facility currently has a bank of over 200 normal breast tissues with associated interview data as well as data and specimens (blood and tissue) from breast cancer patients who are enrolled in the Rays of Hope Breast Research Registry. Occasionally breast tumor specimens are provided and fixed, frozen and processed for organoid culture. The facility also coordinates the collection of ovarian tumor tissues with matching blood. These tumors are also formalin fixed paraffin embedded, snap frozen and frozen in DMSO as organoids. Collections are ongoing to support fresh tissue needs. Depending on investigator requirements there is potential for specific treatments (i.e. explant cultures) and to expand to several other tissue types.
HistoSpring has the capability to process and paraffin embed human, animal and plant tissues, section fixed or frozen tissues, as well as perform histological analyses.