Digital Equity & Inclusion Week

3D Printing for Accessibility


Event Details

Monday, February 26, 2024

4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Library, W.E.B. Du Bois

154 Hicks Way

Amherst MA 01003


Event Website

Online registration or tickets

UMass Amherst Information Technology

Come to the Digital Media Lab to learn how UMass Amherst has used 3D printing to increase accessibility for our students. Presented by Dennis Spencer, 3D Print Services Supervisor, UMass Amherst Libraries.

This event is part of UMass Amherst Information Technology's third annual Digital Equity and Inclusion Week 2024, February 26 through March 1, 2024. Learn more:

Open and free to all UMass Amherst students, staff, and faculty.


UMass IT is grateful for the collaboration and support of this year’s DEIW campus partners: Center for Teaching and Learning, Digital Media Lab, Disability Services, Instructional Design Engagement and Support (IDEAS), Human Resources, Office of Equity and Inclusion, Student Affairs and Campus Life, UMass Amherst Libraries, UMass Alliance Against Ableism, UMass Allies for Illness and Disability Access (UMAIDA) Network, University Relations MarCom Group. Many thanks as well to our off-campus DEIW collaborators: ADP, Glean, and the Massachusetts Department of Transportation.