Curriculum for BS in Electrical Engineering
Example pathway through the EE curriculum
We've shared below just four of many, many choices for Social World Electives.
AT = Arts; HS = Historical Studies; SB = Social and Behavioral Science; I = Interdisciplinary Studies; DG = Global Diversity; DU = U.S. Diversity.
We also included a sampling of EE or Life Science electives that are approved. You may also propose something not yet approved and have it reviewed.
You will need to consult your academic advisor each semester to ensure you remain on track.
Visit the Registration page for the latest information from the department.
Current students can access official curriculum flowsheet PDFs off of the Curriculum landing page.
First Year
ENGIN 112 Intro. to ECE 1 3cr
PHYSICS 151 General Physics I – Mechanics 4cr
MATH 131 Calculus I 4cr
SOCIOL 110 Intro. to Sociology 2 [SB DU] 4cr (sample elective)
ENGLWRIT 112 College Writing 3cr
FYS 191ENG First-Year Seminar in Engineering 1cr
In the Fall semester, students looking for a hands-on experience may choose to take a 1-credit "Design Project" add-on to ENGIN 112.
ECE 122 Intro. Programming for ECE 4cr
PHYSICS 152 General Physics II – Thermo., E&M 4cr
MATH 132 Calculus II 4cr
ECE 124 Intro. Digital & Computer Systems 4cr
Second Year
ECE 201 Analytical Tools for ECE 3 4cr
ECE 202 Computational Tools for ECE 3cr
ECE 210 Circuits & Electronics I 4cr
ECE 241 Advanced Programming 3cr
JAPANESE 135 Japanese Art and Culture 2 [I DG] 4cr (sample elective)
Students interested in a minor or second major in MATH should talk to an advisor about replacing ECE 201 with something else.
ECE 213 Continuous-Time Signals & Systems 4cr
ECE 214 Probability & Statistics 4cr
ECE 231 Intro. to Embedded Systems 4cr
ECE 244 Modern Physics & Materials for EE 4cr
Third Year
ECE 310 Circuits & Electronics I 4cr
ECE 315 Signal Processing Methods 3cr
ECE 333 Fields & Waves I 3cr
ECE 344 Fundamentals of Semiconductor Devices 3cr
ECE 303 Junior Seminar 1cr
ECE 311 Intermediate Electronics 4 3cr (sample elective)
ECE 334 Fields & Waves II 4 3cr (sample elective)
ECE 304 Junior Design Project 2cr
ENGIN 351 Writing in Engineering 3cr
NUTRITN 130 Nutrition for a Healthy Lifestyle 2 [BS] 4cr (sample elective)
Fourth Year
ECE 415 Senior Design Project I 3cr
ECE 584 Microwave Engineering I 4 4cr (sample elective)
ECE 580 Feedback Control Systems —or— ECE 565 Digital Signal Processing 4 3cr (sample elective)
CLASSICS 100 Greek Civilization 2 [HS] 4cr (sample elective)
ECE 416 Senior Design Project II 3cr
ECE 585 Microwave Engineering II —or— ECE 564 Communication Systems 4 3cr (sample elective)
ECE 571 Microelectronic Fabrication 4cr —or— ECE 572 Optoelectronics 4 3cr (sample elective)
ART 110 Basic Studio/Drawing 2 [AT] 4cr (sample elective)