Civil and Environmental Engineering Undergraduate Courses
Note: the Office of Student Affairs is available to assist students in course selection, registration, degree requirements, academic support resources, and more.
Freshman Level
ENGIN 111 Introduction to Engineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering
Overview of the environmental, geotechnical, structural and transportation areas within the discipline of Civil and Environmental Engineering while developing core skills required throughout the curriculum. Civil and environmental engineering projects and problems are presented; students use written, oral, and computing skills to derive and present solutions. Fall only.
CE-ENGIN 121 CEE Measurements
With lab. Introduction to various measurements used in civil engineering. Topics include basic surveying principles involving linear and angular measurement, leveling, traversing, and stadia. Also, smaller scale measurements, such as displacement and load. Includes precision instruments such as verniers, calipers, micrometers and load cells. Spring only.
Sophomore Level
CE-ENGIN 240 Statics
To give students a fundamental understanding of basic principles in engineerign mechanics. Topics include force system, the principle equilibrium of forces in two and three dimensional space, free-body diagram, centroid and moment of inertia of a solid body, etc. The fundamental principles are applied to solve problems of civil engineering.
CE-ENGIN 241 Strength of Materials I with lab
Analysis and design of structural members subjected to axial loads, torsion and bending deflection of beams, behavior of columns and transformation of stress and strain.
CE-ENGIN 244 Programming for Civil Engineers
Structured computer programming for problem solving, modeling and analysis. Algorithms and numerical methods. Graphical representation of engineering data.
CE-ENGIN 250 Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer
Fundamentals of thermodynamics, conservation of mass and energy, control volume analysis. Heat engines, heat pumps, Carnot cycles, entropy, process efficiencies. Heat transfer mechanisms. Applications to civil engineering facilities.
CE-ENGIN 260 Probability and Statistics
This course will introduce the field of probability and statistics, and demonstrate its importance and utility in the solution of problems specifically of interest to civil and environmental engineering. Topics include statistical data reduction, concept of basic probability, sampling and inference, experimental design and data analysis, statistical methods in quality improvement, and statistical design theory.
CE-ENGIN 270 Systems Analysis & Economics in Civil Engineering
Introduction to decision making techniques used in Civil and Environmental Engineering. Develop and solve mathematical models for optimizing engineering systems. Use basic economic concepts to make decisions between alternative engineering designs. Incorporate environmental sustainability and social issues into engineering decisions. Spring only.
Junior Level
CE-ENGIN 310 Transportation Systems
Transportation operations, planning, and design; emphasis on the highway mode. Topics include: vehicle, operator, and roadway characteristics; traffic control; capacity; geometric design objectives and plan formulation; demand forecasting; and economic, social, and environmental evaluation.
CE-ENGIN 320 Soil Mechanics
With Lab. Properties of soil used in engineering including: soil classification; compaction; swelling and shrinkage; permeability and seepage; consolidation; strength and stiffness; and implications of soil for civil engineering design.
CE-ENGIN 331 Structural Analysis
Introductory structural analysis. Calculation of forces, moments, and deformations for axially loaded and flexural structures including trusses, beams, frames, arches, and cables. Classical and computer methods used. Fall only.
CE-ENGIN 357 Elementary Fluid Mechanics
A basic understanding of fluid mechanics through the study of the properties, stationary behavior, and flow characteristics of incompressible fluids. The fundamental constitutive relations and conservation equations governing the pressure, velocity, and free surface elevation of the fluid. Hydrostatic forces, pipe flow, and open channel flow as examples of hydraulic engineering. Fall only.
CE-ENGIN 370 Intro to Environmental & Water Resources Engineering
With Lab. Introduction to environmental engineering with a focus on physical, chemical, and biological principles. Topics include environmental standards and legislation, material balances, reaction kinetics, environmental chemistry and microbiology, biogeochemical cycles, water quality, water resources, air quality, and solid and hazardous wastes.
Senior Level
CE-ENGIN 488 Professional Practice Seminar
Engineering ethics; professional topics; preparation for the profession of civil and environmental engineering.
Transportation Engineering Electives
CE-ENGIN 410 Public Transportation Systems
A historical overview of public transportation and a summary of existing and future transit and paratransit systems and technologies; application of intelligent transportation system (ITS) technologies (including advanced communication, sensor, and information processing technologies) in the implementation of transit and paratransit operations; public transit systems costs, demand, pricing, and performance evaluation; project planning including routing, scheduling, preliminary design and ownership and organizational options; and systems planning.
CE-ENGIN 411 Traffic Engineering
Fundamental principles of traffic flow and intersection traffic operations including traffic data collection methods, traffic control devices, traffic signal design, and analysis techniques. Emphasizes quantitative and computerized techniques for designing and optimizing intersection signalization. Several traffic engineering software packages used.
CE-ENGIN 418 Intelligent Transport Systems
A critical review and analysis of intelligent transportation systems (ITS) in the management and operation of surface transportation facilities; selected ITS technologies reviewed include wireless and wire communication systems, sensors, information processing techniques, automated location systems, and innovative computational methods; emphasis is placed on several ITS user services including traffic control, en-route and pre-trip information, electronic payment, and fleet management as they pertain to surface transportation facilities in large metropolitan areas as well as small urban and rural communities.
CE-ENGIN 450 Highway Location and Geometric Design
Highway location and geometric design principles for streets and highways with emphasis on roadway safety. Includes state-of-the-art design policies and current research findings. AutoCAD and transportation design computer software used for class assignments and the class project.
CE-ENGIN 455 Spatial Analysis in Transportation
Spatial analysis using geographic information systems and other technologies for planning, design, management, operation, and analysis of civil engineering infrastructure systems and facilities.
Geotechnical Engineering Electives
CE-ENGIN 421 Foundation Engineering
To gain proficiency in the geotechnical design of shallow and deep foundations, using bearing capacity and settlement and structural and performance design criteria, respectively; to learn site characterization procedures including sampling and in situ testing to determine design parameters.
CE-ENGIN 423 Engineering Geology
Advanced analysis of structural systems using classical energy methods and matrix notation for computer methods. Topics include direct stiffness method for structures, virtual work, stationary potential energy, Castigliano's theorems.
Structural Engineering Electives
CE-ENGIN 432 Advanced Structural Analysis
Advanced analysis of structural systems using classical energy methods and matrix notation for computer methods. Topics include direct stiffness method for structures, virtual work, stationary potential energy, Castigliano's theorems.
CE-ENGIN 433 Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures
Analysis and design of reinforced concrete structures members using current design specifications. Flexural and shear design of beams; development length and bar cutoffs; design of columns using interaction diagrams; calculation of beam deflections.
CE-ENGIN 434 Design of Steel Structures
Introduction to the principles and procedures of structural steel design and behavior. Using current design methodology and specifications, various types of steel structural members and connections are designed. Included are design of beams, compression members; beam-columns, tension members, bolted connections, and welded connections.
Environmental and Water Resources Engineering Electives
CE-ENGIN 462 Water Resources Engineering
Methods for sustaining natural hydrologic conditions and controlling flooding in land development. Characteristics of precipitation and watersheds. Peak discharge, hydrograph and flood routing prediction. Design of drainage structures, detention ponds, and innovative water management techniques.
CE-ENGIN 469 Water Supply and Wastewater Collection
Design of water supply and wastewater collection systems. Topics include water transmission mains, water distribution systems, pumping, storm sewers and sanitary sewer systems. Design projects, oral and written engineering reports. Ethics and professionalism.
CE-ENGIN 470 GIS for Engineers
Principles of geographic information systems (GIS) and spatial analysis for engineering application. Topics include data structures and manipulation, topology, and attribute in formation. Use of spatial data for mapping and spatial analysis to address real world problems.
CE-ENGIN 471 Water and Wastewater Systems
Introduction to the design of water and wastewater systems. Topics include water supply, design of transmission and distribution systems, drinking water treatment, wastewater collection and design of sanitary sewers, and wastewater treatment systems.
CE-ENGIN 473 Groundwater
Hydrology, geology, chemistry, and engineering design of groundwater systems. Topics include groundwater and the hydrologic cycle, groundwater hydraulics, groundwater as a resource, natural groundwater chemistry, groundwater contamination and remediation.
CE-ENGIN 476 Solid Waste Management
Introduction to municipal solid waste management and hazardous waste management. The relationship between the properties of wastes, the techniques and hardware used for waste handling and processing and the ultimate disposal (containment) of waste and other residual materials will be emphasized. Remediation of contaminated areas is also covered. The design of systems for the management and disposal of solid and hazardous wastes subject to economic factors, safety, reliability and ethical and social implications will be examined.